
When we hear physiotherapy, we often associate it with elite athletes or those people who have terrible injuries. However, you too may be in need of it.

Physiotherapy is the treatment of disorders with physical agents and methods, e.g. massage, manipulation, therapeutic exercises. If you are experiencing pain or having trouble moving your joints, seek the guidance of a physiotherapist.

Tell- Tale Signs that You Need Physiotherapy

You need to look out for any of the signs below which indicate that you need to see a physiotherapist. Should it be that you had a recent injury or that the symptoms have built up over time if you:

1. Are not able to hold your visits to the washroom
The condition above is referred to as urinary incontinence. It is where you are not able to control the need to pass urine. It is common in women than in men; especially as they age.
By paying a visit to a physiotherapy center for a checkup, you may be advised to take pelvic floor exercises. These exercises help to strengthen the pelvic area. Urinary incontinence can be either:
• Urge incontinence: it is where urine leaks from the bladder without warning
• Stress incontinence: you increase pressure on your bladder by sneezing or coughing which results in release of urine

2. Are you in Constant pain?
Sometimes, pain doesn’t go away after you suffer an injury and complete the healing period. If your pain is prolonged or recurring, then you need to see a physiotherapist. It is common with neck and lower back pain.
To ease your suffering and ensure that you are healed, your treatment may consist of massage, manipulation, acupuncture, etc.

3. Are you losing balance?
If you are having difficulties balancing and coordinating your body, you need physiotherapy to retain your body’s equilibrium. It could be as a result of an issue with your inner ear, particularly, the vestibular system.
The symptoms include dizziness, imbalance or even vertigo. To combat these symptoms, you may need to implement exercises that train your central nervous system.

4. Pre and Post-Operation
Some surgeries require physiotherapy, e.g. cardiac and chest surgeries. Such patients are taught how to cough properly while at the same time ensuring that the wound site is getting enough support.
It all depends on the type of surgery that you are going to have by first assessing the risk of a complication after surgery.

5. Hurting while sitting at your desk
Most office spaces are attributed with sitting in slouched, fixed positions for long periods. However, the design of our bodies is to be in regular movement. This way of sitting may lead to headaches, lower back pains, etc., as muscles and joints start to strain.

To prevent this, you need to take regular breaks from your desk. A physiotherapist will give you ideal postural advice for the workplace.

The above are some of the signs that you need to look out for. It is advisable to seek help, on time before a bad situation becomes dire. Read on (The Benefits of Physiotherapy.)
We have individually designed programs to promote your healing and pain relief.

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You don’t think about our Healthplus Rehab services until you need them. Whether due to an injury, accident, chronic medical condition or re-injury, you may have already experienced physical therapy or hand therapy with us. If not, we want you to know we provide an exceptional patient care experience that promotes healing and recovery in a compassionate environment.
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