Chiropdist Service

Ankle Sprain

Ankle sprains are common injuries that occur when the foot twists or turns beyond its normal range of movement, causing the ligaments of the ankle to overstretch or tear. It is estimated that 23,000 Americans experience ankle sprains daily. Of all sports injuries in the United States, 45% are ankle sprains; basketball players are the athletes most often affected. People who have an increased risk of spraining an ankle include younger athletes, members of the military, and anyone who frequently runs, jumps, and changes direction quickly, while performing an athletic activity (“cutting motion”). Physical therapists help people who have experienced ankle sprains reduce their pain; regain their strength, motion, and balance; return to normal activity levels; and avoid reinjury.

What Is Ankle Sprain?

Sprains are injuries to ligaments (the bands of tissue that hold joints together). Ankle sprains occur when the foot twists or turns beyond its normal range of movement, causing the ligaments connecting the bones of the leg, ankle, and foot to overstretch or tear.

The ligaments on the outer (lateral) side of the ankle are the ones most commonly injured. Ligaments on the inner (medial) side of the ankle, or above the ankle bone, can also be sprained, but are injured less frequently.

An ankle sprain usually takes between 2 weeks to 2 months to heal. The ankle will feel better after a few weeks, and be fully strengthened in a few months. A severely sprained ligament, however, can take 9 months to 1 year to heal.

Recurrent ankle sprains are common; once an ankle ligament is sprained, it is often reinjured. In fact, 73% of people who have sprained an ankle once are likely to do so again. Reinjury is especially likely if muscle strength and balance are not fully restored to, or improved beyond, preinjury levels.

How Does it Feel?

Right after an ankle sprain, you may experience:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Inability to stand or walk on the affected foot
  • Throbbing
  • Stiffness
  • Weakness
  • A feeling of instability in the ankle joint

After most sprains, you feel pain right away at the site of the ligament stretch or tear. Often, the ankle starts to swell immediately and may bruise. The ankle area usually is tender to the touch, and when you move the ankle, it hurts. In more severe sprains, you may hear or feel something tear, along with a “pop” or “snap.”

How Is It Diagnosed?

If you see your physical therapist first, the physical therapist will examine your ankle, take your health history, and ask questions such as:

  • How did you get injured?
  • Did you feel a pop, snap, or tear?
  • What activities are you having trouble doing?
  • What activities do you want to get back to doing?

Your physical therapist will gently press around your ankle to see if it is painful to the touch, and may use additional tests to determine if other parts of your foot are injured. Your physical therapist will test your strength and flexibility, observe how you can move your foot and leg, and watch how you walk.

Depending on how badly a ligament is damaged, or how many ligaments are injured, your ankle sprain may be classified as:

  • Grade 1 (mild). The ligament is overstretched.
  • Grade 2 (moderate). The ligament is overstretched or partially torn.
  • Grade 3 (severe). The ligament is completely torn.

Your physical therapist also will test and screen for other, more serious conditions that could be causing the pain and swelling. To provide a definitive diagnosis, your physical therapist may collaborate with an orthopedic physician or other health care provider, who may order further tests, such as an x-ray, to confirm the diagnosis and to rule out other damage to the ankle, including a fracture.

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You don’t think about our Healthplus Rehab services until you need them. Whether due to an injury, accident, chronic medical condition or re-injury, you may have already experienced physical therapy or hand therapy with us. If not, we want you to know we provide an exceptional patient care experience that promotes healing and recovery in a compassionate environment.
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